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March 2024 – Wintery Weather – Exploring our Senses.


Staying warm and comfortable in this Winter season of March cold and wind can be a challenge to stay healthy.

For me, I prefer the warmer weather. Especially since I have recently discovered the wintry weather with freezing wind causes problems with my eyesight. How are you affected by the environment?

Like many of you, in the past, I was too busy with everyday life to stop, reflect and ask the question: “What if I lost one of my basic senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch)?

I gained a valuable appreciation in the thought-provoking book by Gretchen Rubin titled “Life in Five Senses “, How exploring the senses got me out of my head and into the world.”

Gretchen, after hearing her doctor’s diagnosis about her eyes, decided to treat herself as “case study” to explore her five (5) senses. A project she set up with research, experiments, and unique ways to discover how her five senses messaging system works with her brain to affect her life.

Gretchen sums up the value of our senses in her quote:            

Our 5 senses link us to our past, tie us to the present, and help us create memories for the future. They even help us conjure up memories that we’ve forgotten we possessed – and recall a pleasure is to experience it twice.”

For your refection, Gretchen’s questions, and thoughts below:

1.     Seeing: What Was Missing?

2.     Hearing:  How silence can be noisy.

3.     Smelling:  Why “unscented” is a scent?

4.     Tasting: The Taste of the tea and the cake.

5.     Touching: My brain out on my fingers.

Winter is a wonderful season to have fun!

Looking forwarded to having a coffee and conversation with you!



 Perfect Easter Hat!

An elegant winter hat of fuchsia wool decorated of white silk flowers and stems and leaves of soft moss green velvet.



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