August is the month of hot sun!
My question always is: How can I stay “cool” physically and mentally as the temperature rises during the month?
I find it is easier for me, to control my environment with air conditioning and attire, but it is more difficult for me to manage my mental “cool”.
The heat of the August sun tires me, and I become impatient, fortunately I am aware and begin to slow down and focus to be in the moment with people so I can better understand and respect their worldview.
Monica Guzman author of “I Never Thought of It that way “shares her difficult conversations experiences and “bridge -building communication techniques”. She explains asking curious questions during difficult conversations with the other is key to “bridge -building the gap of understanding.” The reason asking questions is “key” is they help find the answers you want to know about them for you to learn their views and find common ground.
Monica, realistic examples, helps the reader enhance their communication skills and confidence to embrace difficult conversations to gain understanding and knowledge from individuals with diverse backgrounds, culture, or worldview.
I love connecting and I am always curious and sincerely want to learn about new individuals I meet. Knowledge of how to communicate respectfully is powerful in building long lasting relationships.
I have added these “bridge-building” communication techniques to my tool kit for easy reference when meeting new people in my travels.
Enjoy August fun stay “cool”!
Looking forward to having a cup of coffee or lemonade and conversation!
SUN HAT – to protect and keep cool!
A natural colored woven straw with a wide brim. Decorated with a pretty turquoise checkered pattern ribbon