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Gloria M. Stevens

Life Coach

I know what you’re looking for… you want a guide, someone to help you find your purpose and set practical but meaningful goals. You want someone to help you figure out your life’s journey. That’s why I’m here.

Listen to my conversation with Susanne Mueller

Author of Lipstick Leadership and
Take it from the Iron Woman

“Hats in Time"

Life’s Journey Wearing Many Hats

Like most people today, you find yourself wearing many hats. Perhaps you’re juggling a career with raising a family (maybe even managing your extended family), maintaining your health and well-being, and trying to find time to read a good book. Perhaps you’re struggling, feeling overwhelmed, and a little unable to find a path to your dreams. I assure you, you are not alone.

Let’s talk about how you can work through your challenges and unveil opportunities you might not otherwise have known about.


Working through challenges with grace,  
unveiling opportunities to meet your dreams.


Together we can unveil and bring you clarity, expose potential options, discuss the path to move forward and create a plan of action to achieve your dreams.

My life’s journey wearing many hats began as a 3-year-old who had many hours of fun with my sister and a cowboy hat. 

My brand today “the Lady with the hat.” People have told me they wonder which hat I will be wearing to our meeting.

I am a woman who wears a different hat each day. I enjoy getting up and deciding what to wear for the weather and importantly selecting a hat to complete the outfit to fit my day’s activities (i.e., newspaper or flat cap for physical work or a feather fedora for a business meeting etc.). I have found wearing an outfit complete with a hat fills me with a positive attitude and a renewed confidence in my ability to meet the day of challenges, explore options and find solutions to move closer to my dreams.

“Wearing Many Hats” 3 C’s - Caps, Coffee & Conversation 6 -steps is how I achieved my dreams of living in NYC and even earning a Columbia University Master’s Degree.


3 C's: Caps, Coffee & Conversations


1. CAP -Baseball TC – Get Serious

Put on the caps you use while running and schedule a “Coffee & Conversation.”


2. Newspaper Boy -- Hard at Work

3 C’s – Cap – Coffee & Conversation - meet to discuss exercises to help you explore your concerns and dreams. 


3. Beret - Reflection

Meet to unveil and bring you clarity, expose potential options and discuss the best path to move forward. 


4. Fedora -- Getting Down to Business

Create a strategy and action plan to obtain the skills needed and a “To Do List.”

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5. Fancy Fedora -- Celebration with Fun

Celebrate a milestone on your “To Do List” getting you closer to your dream.


6. Top Hat (opera) -- "Hats Off"

You accomplished your dream!


Contact Me

If you’re interested in having coffee and a conversation, to see if life coaching is right for you, contact me today to arrange a free 15-minute consultation session.

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